Sarvesh Health City


Blood Bank Services at Sarvesh Health City

At Sarvesh Health City, our state-of-the-art Blood Bank is dedicated to providing life-saving blood components and services. We follow stringent quality protocols to ensure the safety and efficacy of our blood products, catering to various medical needs and emergencies.

Our Blood Bank Services Include:

  • WHOLE HUMAN BLOOD, I.P.: Providing whole blood for patients requiring a complete transfusion.
  • LEUCODEPLETED RED CELLS, I.P.: Red blood cells with reduced white blood cell content, ensuring safer transfusions for patients at risk of immunological reactions.
  • PACKED RED BLOOD CELLS/CONCENTRATED HUMAN RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES (In House Specification): Concentrated red blood cells for patients with anemia or blood loss, enabling precise transfusion without excess fluid volume.
  • FRESH FROZEN PLASMA, B.P.: Plasma collected and frozen for patients with clotting disorders, liver diseases, or massive transfusion requirements.
  • CRYOPRECIPITATE / CRYOPRECIPITATED ANTIHAEMOPHILIC FACTOR, I.P.: Specialized blood components containing clotting factors, essential for patients with bleeding disorders such as hemophilia.
  • PLATELET APHERESIS (SINGLE DONOR PLATELET), I.P.: Single-donor platelets for patients with low platelet counts, critical for those undergoing chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants, or surgeries.
  • SALINE WASHED RED CELLS/ SALINE WASHED RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES (In House Specification): Red blood cells washed with saline to remove plasma proteins, reducing the risk of allergic reactions during transfusions.
  • PLASMA APHERESIS (SINGLE DONOR PLASMA) (In House Specification): High-quality plasma collected from a single donor, used for patients needing plasma transfusion or therapeutic plasma exchange.
  • POOLED PLATELET CONCENTRATE (In House Specification): Platelets pooled from multiple donors, ensuring sufficient platelet count for transfusion.
  • LEUCAPHERESIS (In House Specification): A specialized procedure to remove excess white blood cells from the blood, crucial for patients with leukemia or other hematologic conditions.
  • ERYTHROCYTAPHERESIS (In House Specification): Red blood cell removal and replacement procedure used in conditions like sickle cell anemia and polycythemia.
  • PLATELET CONCENTRATE (LEUCODEPLATED) (In House Specification): Platelet concentrates with reduced white blood cells, minimizing the risk of immunological complications during transfusion.
  • HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELLS (PERIPHERAL BLOOD STEM CELLS) (In House Specification): Collection of stem cells from peripheral blood, vital for patients undergoing stem cell transplants for various blood cancers and disorders.

At Sarvesh Health City, our Blood Bank is committed to providing top-quality blood products and ensuring that each patient receives the care and attention they need. With our advanced technology and experienced staff, we are ready to meet the most complex transfusion requirements, ensuring safety and precision in every step.

For inquiries or to donate blood, please contact us today at +91 9138822120. Your support helps save lives.